Around this time of year, I can't fake the chill on the blog. There is none. Well, not really.
An oversize sweater works at night and light Fall/Summer wear during the day hours. It's just not cold.
While walking through The Grove a few days ago, I overheard some girls lamenting over sweater season and how much money they waisted buying sweaters they wouldn't wear but had to have. I feel ya, ladies!
All these gorgeous peacoats and cute bombers in the store windows and I'd be sweating within minutes if I tried to wear any of them.
But I want one!! Alas, like I've said before,
"My Tiny Closet is no museum. Clothes were meant to be worn, not hung to look pretty and collect dust!"
Hmmmm, but I am planning to visit Seattle pretty soon so maybe I can reason one lil cute Winter coat, yes?
Anyway, I do love jackets and I find them more feasible than a full on coat. Especially this completely sheer, lacy jacket.
Layered over my tunic button-up, its the just the right amount of warmth I need. Because I don't need much.
jacket: / tunic: / heels: Santee Alley
And on another note, I got my hair cut at a salon for the first time in years. The cut was not to take off length but to fix all the style cutting I've done myself throughout the years. Do you like it? Maybe you can't tell... Anyway, I got it done at Devachan (the only place I trust to cut my 4a/b(c?) hair). The reason I chose to have it done pro was because I decided I'm going to let my tiny lil curls shrink up as much as they want these days. Let shrinkage reign!
So with a pro design cut, it'll look great no matter if I stretch em' or let em' shrink up. That was becoming a problem before. I used to style cut my hair stretched. And when it shrank, it looked pretty bad. Now, a lot of people ask me if I've cut my hair... do you get that when your hair shrinks?? I'm guessing you do. Well, I've just been letting it happen. Tis what it is. I like the effortlessness of it and come wash time, it's a lot less tangled. Well, whatdya know! Anyway, just thought I'd share :)
Now, back to scrolling coats on Pinterest...
happiest of Mondays to you, loves!