There have been quite a few new vegan and vegetarian restaurants opening up in my hood lately. Yep, it's getting pretty fancy 'round here! Monday morning, we hit up my a favorite and sat long enough to recharge.
As Theo sipped his delicious coffee and sugary pop-over, I persevered my green juice sauce and we snapped some photos of my efforts.
Not much of a fashion post today but I'd like to take more photos of those days when I'm just chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool. Ya feel? Similar to the earlier days of the Tiny Closet. On the off-duty times when my style is still signature but much less thought out, the comfort and effortlessness of whatever I've thrown on reveals an honest personal style. And, like the Olsen twins pointed out for their approach to style, there is luxury and beauty in that.
So while I was lounging with my guy that sunny morning, laughing at my spinach/kale/parsley cocktail (what kind of self-righteous flower child would willingly drink this?? I would...*sigh*), I did feel surprisingly beautiful. Feeling like a queen in just a tee and jeans, well that aint' a bad way to start the morning!
And a good day to you!