Guys, it's so FREAKING COLD in Montreal right now. I forgot what it feels like to walk home late at night shivering in a coat that is not appropriate for -15 degree weather (for my Fahrenheit friends, the temperature conversion on that is "oh god oh god oh god why why why why"). I had my first official slapstick ass plant the other day. It turns out wearing high heeled boots with no traction on icy sidewalks is really not a good idea. So tempted to take all my shoes to the cobbler and get ice picks grafted to the soles.
So, to spite the coming 5 months of shivers, I've been working on this:
That there is one slaved over white silk blouse. All that is left is to sew some buttonholes, but I've put that on hold to tackle another project.
I was recently asked by Jamie Lau at BurdaStyle if I wanted to modify one of the basic patterns in their new "Sewing Vintage Modern" book. I leapt at the opportunity to put a modern twist on a classic 20's flapper dress; hoping to debut the dress next week at the 40th birthday party of one of my best friends. Today I'll be finetuning my musin and hope to finish it by tomorrow night.
I also have a stack of refashions I pounded through last night.... all this to say that I have a number of new projects to share in the coming weeks. Winter is really conducive to hibernating with my Singer, it turns out. Thankfully the rest of you seem to agree. I am super excited to participate in the Bra-Making Sewalong with Amy and the Charlotte Skirt Sewalong with my ladies at By Hand London. TAKE THAT WINTER!