Wednesday, 21 November 2012


I use Google Alerts the way I use salt: liberally and on everything. Basically you can set up search criteria that "scans" the web so you don't have to visit the same sites over and over again in the hope that the vintage Vogue pattern you've been web-stalking gets listed. It's not always instantaneous but having a few set up for "Singer Featherweight Montreal" and "vintage patterns Craigslist Montreal" (among an embarrassing host of other things) sure takes the pressure off potentially missing an amazing score because I didn't check the listings that week.

Case in point. My good 'ol buddy Google Alerts informed me that someone was selling almost a hundred vintage patterns for $20 (TOTAL). I know right? After I stopped hyperventilating I called her, and miracles never ceasing, she still had them. So despite my crippling hangover, I hopped on my bike and headed to her place. Where I was greeted with a few bags of this:

I thought, "We're going to need a bigger bike basket".

I took a quick look in the bags; not all gems by a longshot but I thought overall worth the investment so I took them home along with a  few bolts of cheap lace trim and fabric she threw in to the deal.

Are you ready?

I've never been sure about me and "the kids thing" but my ovaries basically started shooting out let's-do-this eggs the minute I laid eyes on these. Those wee capes and coats?! The little chubby babies in bloomers? A-line dresses and white socks? I can't believe vintage patterns spurred an urge to be impregnated but there is a first time for everything.

For the lady of the house we have these guys:
Close-up on my favourite:

More closeups:

Some other ones with potential (and by potential I mean the bellbottoms I will be making for my future-as-yet-to-be-determined baby daddy):

Why yes, I DID find patterns for my Brooke Shields doll, thank you for noticing!

There were also a few "Maybe these will come in handy" dudes:
Of course, no random pattern haul would be complete without a Sister Wife & Sister Daughter matching housedress and some really scary, shapeless 80's sacks:
 Here's a fun haul. Does anyone have children who would want this next group? I'll mail 'em to you:

 And then things just start getting weird. I won't share with you the other 30 or so patterns of ugly children's clothes and unflattering active wear, but I would be remiss if I didn't remind you what our socially awkward aunts were making in the 80's and 90's:
Salvation Army, you just wouldn't be complete without a CUT pattern of stuffed grandparents to hang on the wall, which is why I am dropping off this very special delivery (unless someone wants these? No judgment. I'll mail them to if you really think you need a Luv 'N Stuff gingerbread wall ornament).

I think I am going to do my own Pattern Pyramid once I get some time to go through my stash and see what I want to part with. I'll keep you posted on that.

In other news.... I HAD MY FIRST BLOGGER MEETUP! And it was glorious! I had the great pleasure to meet Sarah (of the extremely well researched  and well written PatternVault which is a must read if you like nerding out about vintage patterns, and really, that's all of us) and her wife Naomi in Toronto's fabric district this weekend. Amazing ladies who humored me in my obsessive search for black and gold zippers and double-knit jersey in the perfect shade of red. Check out their wedding dresses! It was such a treat to talk shop with people who get it.... We have no photo evidence that this ever occurred but it did, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Hope you are well, and that my Northern hemisphere budz have slipped free from the almost universal sewjo suck that was October.... I am finally sewing again but I was getting worried there for a minute. Than I remembered I want to curl up and sleep forever EVERY October. Transitions are bitches.

THANK YOU CRAIGSLIST Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna