If I had to wear only one designer for the rest of my life (and it could be any designer I wanted), it would be Stella McCartney... or The Row. Or Celine. Yeah, definitely Celine. No wait. Eh, never mind - obviously I wasn't prepared to answer that question. What I do know the answer to is: What brand would I wear exclusively for the rest of my life? Okay, that brand would be Zara.
And even though that hypothetical would actually be nightmarish in the end, such an answer does reveal my closeness to this brand of clothing. Season after season, they've consistently managed to make my mouth drop. And aside from the fact that every single item of clothing fits me like I had it personally tailored, I actually figured it out what most attracts me to Zara and that is, it's 75% me, and 25% of the girl I fantasize about being. That.is.perfect. Right?
Every woman should have that go-to designer/brand that embodies who they are without a fourth of their hang ups.
Dressing slightly more sophisticated, slightly more feminine, slightly better than we really are, brings it out of us. Ya know, like dressing for a part in a play. I've recently applied this 75/25 "method" and it keeps me striving to be my ultimate self while feeling comfy and strong in who I am already.
In this case, I'm referring to these amazing Zara sandals.
I put them with a thrifted Value Village denim tank dress and seasonless wool blazer (also thrifted from Value Village). Channeling The Lorax, they've got a Dr. Suess vibe in the back for sure. Something I wouldn't wear normally, but since they're more stylish than I, I become more stylish wearing them. You see?
I put them with a thrifted Value Village denim tank dress and seasonless wool blazer (also thrifted from Value Village). Channeling The Lorax, they've got a Dr. Suess vibe in the back for sure. Something I wouldn't wear normally, but since they're more stylish than I, I become more stylish wearing them. You see?
Collars are o b v i o u s l y the rage right now (I type this while rolling my eyes to the point of headache) and though I've been resisting the trend, this tank dress is just so fresh buttoned all the way up, wearing it gives me inevitably at least a few participation points.
I have wonderful plans for the alteration of this dress, as I bought with a major alteration in mind. I've put it on the back burner though to finish up a couple more Summer items (I don't have much longer with this weather!!) But I plan to show it in the next couple weeks so here goes nothin' ladies!
Thanks so much for visiting!
Besides my Gap Men belt and new Zara sandals, all clothing and accessories shown are either thrifted from Value Village or vintage.