Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Coming out of the {Very Stylish} Closet


I have a confession: I. Love. Fashion.

Seriously, I'm obsessed. So much so that I'm starting a blog about it.

I know, I know. Just what the world needs - another Fashion and Lifestyle blog. Honestly, I've put off creating this blog for years because what else could I add that wasn't already being captured? Could I really separate myself from the millions of other blogs out there? What new perspective could I possibly offer?

Despite such concerns, I did get close to starting this blog once before. I picked out a blog name, worked on the design, and then...Pinterest happened. Why did I need a blog now that I could be inspired, shop, and catalog my love of all things stylish in one online platform? For a while, this phenomenon fed my craving, but eventually, even the ever addicting Pinterest wasn't enough to satisfy my obsession.

So I attempted to start the blog once again. I was determined to have a more creative outlet.

But then I got the big C: Cancer. So I started that blog instead. And as anyone who has ever gotten cancer can attest, it makes you reevaluate your life. You stop wasting your time on things you "should do" and start focusing on the things you want to do.

For me, that is fashion. 

To many, fashion is superficial and frivolous. Those are the people who think a blog about style is a waste of time, especially after going through something as life changing as the big C. To me, fashion is an art; a creative form of expression; and most importantly, an outlet that makes me happy. 

And after cancer, you learn that happiness is never a waste of time.

So here I am, a closeted fashion addict, coming out of the closet.

My name is Dana. These are my Confessions.

Coming out of the {Very Stylish} Closet Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna