After traveling for a month throughout the Philippines I am now on Boracay Island. I though I would be able to blog much sooner but I've been constantly on the go. I've been on Boracay for only 5 days and already I am getting the most impressive tan I've ever seen. No more blotchy Seattle skin for this girl. Look mom, no foundation! I wish to fill my Tiny Closet with them over this new year. The older I get the more I am a sucker in the end for comfort. And harem pants have just enough drape and comfort for me to want to wear them 365 days out of the year.
I have been very tempted to buy buy buy all the bright, zany unique clothes I've seen from Manila to the mountain provinces to tourist-filled Borocay but being the minimalist that I am choosing clothes that make sense to me pretty much all year just works best for me. So as much as I'd love to buy that crocheted tunic made of hemp, since it doesn't work with anything I got - it doesn't work period.
I never wear hats but this little fedora, I couldn't take off my head. The shoes I found at Mall of Asia (the 3rd biggest mall in the world. I was there for 3 hours and never even left the 2nd floor...). They remind me of the south in the 20s with their little leather tail embellishments - beautiful for absolutely every season.
Before we were off to the next town, I grabbed up a very fresh white gauzy dress - no time to try it on. Eh, but when you know you know, ya know? Turns out, the dress worked even better as a shirt. I cut it and voila.
Day by day I'm settling into beach life. It's harder than I thought though! I'm a city girl and all I see now is miles and miles of beach and water. Its so hot out here, I can barely think about clothes let alone wear them. Oy! But while beachwear is certainly not my forte I am taking on this challenge with gusto and thinking outside my city-fall-weather box.
New posts are comin' in hot like my tan so keep visiting!!
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