I have recently been given the opportunity to travel...
for 3 months!!
In less than a month from now, Theo and I will be on our way to Borocay Island, one of the many islands of the Philippines. Throughout our stay, we will also be visiting, Thailand and Japan which are just a hop skip and a jump away :) Fun huh? Not many Americans know about Borocay (pssst, its a bit like Hawaii). Its a beautiful and luxurious secret - a hot vacation spot for China, Japan and Europe still, oddly enough the signs are mostly in English.
For roughly two months we will be staying at a resort right on the beach and I know what you're thinking because you and I, we're so alike - um, hello:
Resort Collection
... yes please.
The exchange rate in Thailand and the Philippines cause heart palpitations for me and my Tiny Closet. This is an important fact to know. So I have started doing daily breathing exercises in preparation for the major (major) shopping I will be doing when I'm there. And when it comes time to pack (15 minutes before leaving for the airport I'm sure - heehee, just kidding, Theo!) lets just say this will be the only time in my life that I will be packing light. Super light. When I touch down in Manila, it will be the beginning of my very first and oh-so-authentic Resort Collection.
But of course I couldn't wait to get there to start the official Collection. I put an old AllSaints gift card to use and got a gorgeous maxi from the Archive Department. I also couldn't wait to wear it either...as you can see.
Once again, I am mixing Summer with Winter. It just works so well. And while I'm on the subject, let me digress:
The truth is, I just can't stand not wearing all the clothes in my closet just because of the season. It seems like such a waste. You know why? Because inevitably (generally), we will not wear the same Winter clothes next Winter as we did this Winter. And we won't wear the same Summer clothes this Summer as we did last Summer... for the most part. I am of course leaving out the few amazing finds we all come across each year but reallllly, you're only wearing seasonal clothing for one season - which is a fraction of the year that you have to clothe yourself. So how far is our money really going??Californian's you are exempt from this unfortunate reality. I am talking about the states with seasons. Bah! It's a waste and I won't do it. Whether the Tiny Closet is a choice or a circumstance, its a lifestyle and I'm prescribing :)
You'll be seeing Part II of this dress, you just wait! I will wafting over white sands, sans beanie and leather jacket. It'll be flowing, I'll be wafting, blah blah blah, I'll show ya when I get there.
dress: AllSaints / leather jacket: Ever (Sway & Cake boutique) / beanie inside: Free People /
beanie outside: AllSaints / earrings: AllSaints
And this goes without saying, I will of course be chronicling all of my exotic travels,
fashion finds and outfits. Can't wait to share!!
If you like what you see, leave a comment!