I honestly love receiving coffee table books as gifts. They are kind of like candles - you need them to place on your coffee table or night stands, but they are just something you never get around to buying yourself. Coffee table books are the perfect gift for a boss, a friend or family member - because there are SO many categories!
Fashion, sports, décor, animals dogs, food, you name it there's a book for it! We have curated our favorites from each category and think you may just find a few people you can cross off your gift list!
Friday, 5 December 2014
Gift of the Day :: Coffee Table Books
Artikel Terkait Gift of the Day :: Coffee Table Books :
Friday Favorites :: Shopbop's Swimwear & CoverupsWe made it through this snowy week! Each snow filled walk to work my mind couldn't help but escape to a warmer place. Thoughts of ...
Friday Favorites :: Charm & Chain Labor Day SaleIt's the Friday of Labor Day weekend and why not go out with a bangle I mean bang! Jewelry is on my mind this morning as I pour o ...
Friday Favorites :: Old Navy Figuring out a summer wardrobe is one thing, but what to wear while working in NYC during the summer is another. ...