A friend of mine recently opened the shop Christopher and Sofee Phaze which hits the perfect tee trifecta: it feels good, it looks good, and it allows me to shop locally. Specializing in clothing that makes you feel confident while being comfortable, the store will grow in phases - beginning with tee shirts like the ones I'm wearing here - and expanding to hoodies, bags, and other clothing and accessory items.
I was originally planning on doing a post only on the women's tee, but the reality is, I've been living in B's tee since he got it. Because that's what happens when you find the perfect shirt - you steal it from your husband and wear it as your own.
Sorry B.
men's tee: c/o christopher and sofee phaze
women's tee: c/o christopher and sofee phaze
blazer: theory via tj maxx (similar here)
pants: zara
heels: old (similar here)
sunglasses: le specs