After Wednesday's Lust List I have been eyeing quite a few zodiac pieces to add to my home and my jewelry collection. There are too many I seem to favor so I figured I would share them all this Friday. What's your sign!?
Friday, 31 October 2014
Friday Favorites :: Zodiac Pieces
Artikel Terkait Friday Favorites :: Zodiac Pieces :
Friday Favorites :: Graphic TeesCan anyone say, "long weekend???" Happy Friday to you all. We thought we'd keep today's Friday Favorites simple and sweet by roun ...
Friday Favorites :: Bauble Bar's Summer Treats Promo! It's Friday of Memorial Day weekend! We all made it through the week and are cruising into the long weekend to kick off Summer. B ...
Friday Favorites :: J.Crew's Weekend SaleWhat better way to head into a Friday knowing you have Monday off? I'm sure a lot of people could drum up a number of things but ...