Maybe it's weird, but I probably shop in the men's (or in this case, the boy's) department as much as the women's. Blame it on my ability to shop anywhere at anytime - sunglasses at the gas station, jackets at the army surplus store, boots at a fishing supply store. I can basically turn anything into an outfit.
You may call it a shopping problem, but I call it talent.
And the men's department is the biggest untapped resource of oversized button downs, cozy sweaters, and perfectly fitted tees. Like this baseball tee that I picked up in the little boy's section of a sporting goods store. It's perfectly fitted and adds a bit of effortlessness to an obnoxiously loud neon pink pencil skirt.
Add it to the list of inappropriate places for a grown woman to shop for clothes.
Talent, my friends.
baseball tee: sports authority
pencil skirt: similar here
heels: similar here
clutch: vintage (similar here)