I was subconsciously entertaining an 80's prep look last weekend. Pressed collars, oxfords and pearls, etc. Lot's of white. I think it all started after I bought a new lip color that I've only had the guts to wear once so far.... It's suuuuper bright pink and preppy fresh. And no, I didn't wearing it with this ensemble but I promise I'll get the confidence to rock it soon.
cropped shirt: PINK (cropped myself) / pants: Santee Alley / belt: Zara Man / oxfords: CMG
earrings: Philippines / ring: Chanel
I wear this cropped top a lot with my high waist jeans.
This high top ponytail is terrible. Just being honest since I'm chronicling my adventures in Tiny style... And ladies, my head looks like a pineapple. What can you do? Shrinkage is a bitch sometimes and my blowdryer died so I've been air drying ever since. No good.
I continue to try new things with this growing lion's mane - and try with resilience!
Both my mother and my mother-in-law gave me pearls this year. I loved wearing them together yesterday. The Chanel ring goes with this bracelet that I adore. And I've always wanted a pair of oversize pearl studs and these are so special!
Pearls with a crisp white color and a sleek updo will always be hot. But I love them styled best by the 80's. Now I just need some frosty pink lipstick :)