Very important news today. My new blog is FINALLY up and running after a few months of research, design, late nights and bruises on my forehead from where I was banging it against the wall in CSS coding mania. In order to keep hearing from me, please update your bookmarks to:
You can update your Feedly link by clicking here.
You can update all other RSS feeders by clicking here.
From what I understand, Bloglovin' will switch the feed in a few days but other RSS readers like Feedly will need the new link manually updated.
Additionally, I have opened my very own online pattern store. It's a little lonely with just the Bombshell listed, but I hope to give her lots of friends to hang out with this year. You can check it out here.
Please let me know if anyone has problems switching to the new site. I just went live so I'd like to know if there are any issues to be resolved.
Additionally, this blogger address will shortly start redirecting traffic to the new site, but any links you have should continue to work .
See you over at the new Closet Case Files home!