I borrowed this tailored jacket from a friend. Borrowing and swapping clothing with friends is definitely a Tiny Closet do.
As someone who loves clothing and experimenting with styles, I definitely don't deny my desire for shiny new pieces every season but since I realized a while ago that my neediness is actually a passing fancy and not worth permanently buying new clothes every month, I like indulging in it temporarily. By borrowing cute, stylish pieces when I can from my cute, stylish friends. And husband :)
jacket: Mine / top: Pink (altered) / jeans: American Apparel / shoes: CMG
And this mens button up shirt was given to me by my stylish roommate. For a year I wore it in its original full length but a couple days ago, I decided to crop it and chop off the arms for a fresh new look with my high waisted jeans. This will be perfect for Spring and Summer so I plan to make more!
Always marinating in simplicity, I've really settled into a minimum frills look. So every now and then I like to add a bit of influence from a friend to enhance my style. And when I have a hard time giving it back, that's when I know I have to get one for myself. I think of it as a shopping screener :)
Hope you're enjoying your Monday!