Monday, 10 February 2014

I Don't Have Enough Gypsy Pants

I have plenty of pants.  And they're all my favorite, which is the ultimate goal in having a Tiny Closet.  
And though I don't have a passion for owning a lot of things (including clothing), I definitely have a passion for 

big, drapy, voluminous pants.

And when you have a passion for a certain article of clothing, you tend to have way more in your wardrobe than you need.
Because it's not about necessity, it's about adoring big pants and wanting big pants all the time!  

Much like collecting art.  I guess.  Right?  I stand by my excuse.

Anyway...  These cage-like sandals that I bought off eBay have really found they're way all over my versatile ensembles.
I'm so happy for the mild Winters in L.A. that keep me cute cocktail shoes :)

I've worn them with: jeans, a mini and also a jumper.

This chiffon top has also gotten a lot of action.  Over the last several months.  One unlikely pairing I did over the Fall last year was wear it with tiny shorts.
And then, more likely, a pair of tattered jeans.

top: Santee Alley / pants: The Tiny Closet Collection / heels: eBay (Forever21) / earrings: Melrose Farmer's Market

I made these crazy pants using fabric I picked up in the Garment District.  Zany prints like this one always pull me in since they're displayed on the sidewalk outside the stores and they're priced super low.  I shamelessly plan to make many more of these gypsy gems throughout the year!

Happy Monday, y'all

I Don't Have Enough Gypsy Pants Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna