Thursday, 30 January 2014

New Special Things

I've been exploring my style lately and playing around with various different versions of it.  This silk top I found at Wasteland has been a very fun new item to pair with my old basics.  With no buttons, it's more of a topper or jacket.  And the cut-out, draped back is really sultry and sophisticated. 

This Chanel hand-me-down from my mother is so cool!  I love the huge letter charms and the 4-leafed clover on it makes the gift extra special.  Like a good luck charm for the new year from my best friend.  It's a beautiful, fun piece that I cherish. 

We found this cute white pick up with a flat on the side of the road in the Art's District and thought it went rather well with the scene and my look :) 

top: Robert Rodriguez (Wasteland) / pants: Santee Alley / heels: Santee Alley / bandeau: Heavenly Couture / bracelet: Chanel

Exploring my own style from different angles is definitely something I'll be doing more regularly.   And it's something I encourage you to do as well!  Why?  Recently, I've been finding it's a way to break out of ruts of comfort zones and also boredom.  I mean you can shop and shop and keep buying the same items and then wonder why nothing in your lil closet excites you.  But by varying the look of your style, choosing pieces you wouldn't normally choose, pairing items differently, while still remaining you and in your style, I believe that can result in owning a truly versatile and diverse wardrobe.  Which is what The Tiny Closet is really all about.

Next week I'll be in a fun little feature that I'm excited to share so come back and visit!
have a fabulous rest of the week!

New Special Things Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna