Remember when I was hating on shorts? Well, while surfing through old style photos of Amber Rose and her crazy self, Beyonce in St Croix or whatever, and hours of Tumblr and Pinterest feeds, I realized...
One thing these women all had in common was the fit of their shorts.
Now I initially assumed it was just the style that was popular to wear but then I realized another thing they all had in common was full thighs and a round butt. Ahem.
Omg, so I'm like totally like Beyonce. And Amber. And all these "black girls killin' it".
I've just been doing it wrong.
I always thought since I wasn't a curvy girl, I had to make due with narrow, straight shorts. Which is why I've avoided shorts almost entirely because I still never fit them well.
Until I realized I'm actually two body types: straight and petite up top and curvy on the bottom.
Does anyone else have this condition?
Anyway, on Wednesday, while walking through Santee Alley, I decided to try on the same style shorts. I tried on some curvy girl shorts at a curvy girl shop that had curvy, full-bottomed models on display (so I knew it was for curvy girls). The sizing was completely different than what I was used to seeing and everything was streeeeetchy!
I tried on a pair of shorts and was so pleased with the fit that I made this pose in the mirror.
I felt so sexy and fresh! THIS is what I'm supposed to feel like in shorts - not awkward and feeling like I'm another species entirely.
They're stretch, they're cut more like the style of underwear and they are super.duper.short. Okay? I was about to wear heels but then I thought, naaaah. I'm not that much like Beyonce or Amber Rose.
So instead of heels, I slipped on these comfy chic spikey grey high tops.
I absolutely adore the color.
So I am having lots of fun with these Summery shorts. Since L.A. is still pretty warm during the days I suspect I'll still be strutting in them through Fall.
And I'll be delighted to, seeing as how I've waited years for this :)