Monday, 5 August 2013

What, This Old Thing?

Speaking of silk, it reminded me of this dress I picked up a few years ago on a shopping trip with my bestie.  
I loved it from the moment I spied it on the sale rack at a Banana Republic and I haven't wanted to give it up since.

I wore it all that Summer and even wore it a couple of times in the Winter.  What I was reminded about (by some wonderfully helpful comments on my last post) was that silk is actually a seasonless fabric.  Gorgeously fit to wear all year long.

For now, it's excellent for Summer.

The dress came with a belt but, you know me, I love the more voluminous, oversize looks so I usually go without the cinch in the middle 
when it comes to open designs like this.  Especially during the warmer months.

Also, I can't get enough of these new heels.  They go with everything and I'm ecstatic about that of course.  
PLUS, even though the heels are sandals I've got a pretty cool idea on how to make them A/W ready.  Ah, but in due time :)

With roomy pockets, a loose heart shaped neckline and space to sit back and lounge, I love that this ol' silk thing is also elegant.  Ahhhhhh :)

What, This Old Thing? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna