Monday, 15 July 2013

Black & Tan

Scrambling to leave the house yesterday afternoon, I put this outfit together in seconds.  The color coordination really was through no planning of my own but sometimes,
the most careless outfits turn out to be the coolest.

I rarely wear these leather shorts (since leather on a perspiring body in the Summer is pretty much a fashion nightmare) but on the cooler evenings, I break em out.  They're a bit dressier anyway.

I thought I would dress them down with a tattered muscle tee and casual leopard flats.  The first of my new collection of flats for my lil wardrobe.

muscle tee: Original Gangster / leather shorts: Forever21 / flats: Ebay (Breckelle's)

When this flat style debuted mainstream again a couple years ago, they were somewhat expensive.  With nightmares of the past ballet flat trend behind me and my
ruined feet to show for it, I've been wary to spend the money for this newer style flat.  So I found some cheap versions on Ebay and whatdyaknow?
They are perfect.

Perfectly comfortable, that is.  And exactly my style.  

Get ready ladies, I'm gonna wear.these.out!

Black & Tan Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna