A few months ago, Redbook magazine contacted me, asking if I'd like to be in their July issue for a lil spread on white dresses.... Oh, would I!!
What a treat!
Remember this Catherine Malandrino dress from my favorite thrift store? I've adored this dress since the moment I spied it on the rack. I am so happy and not to mention, incredibly flattered that Redbook liked it too! Enough to put me and my pup in their issue!!
And check out the amazing company I'm in... These ladies are rocking out the LWD for sure.
Sooooo, pick yourself up a copy of the newest issue when you can. Jada's on the cover - it's a good one.
Thank you, Redbook for this print!
And speaking of things I adore - I actually only wear clothing I absolutely love, as this is the Tiny Closet lifestyle. So of course, I also adore this striped dress. I debuted this big ol' Tiny Closet Collection dress a couple months ago with my trusty oxfords and red lipstick. But since I've been trying to slow my roll these days, I've been wearing it around the house a lot.
The sumptuous jersey I chose for this dress is sooooooo cozy! I can lounge out and I can lounge in.
Win win.
So after my roomie surprised me with the issue Thursday evening, I was on cloud nine as I curled up with a movie and some random champagne I found in the fridge.
I've been completely without conditioner the past few days and my hair has been HATING me for it. I muffled it's frizzy screams with a leopard turban. Perhaps you remember this turban from the post I did a while ago here? Last night was leopard and stripes. Mama like.
The combo works, yes? No? Maybe?
Anyway, I'll be catching up with everything this weekend and joining you on the flipside come Monday.
I've actually got a few more awesome surprises coming soon so please keep visiting to find out what's next!
It's hard keeping all these exciting secrets to myself!
Enjoy your weekend :)