Some of you may remember my lil stint as a beach bum.
A stylish beach bum :)
Yes, far away on the other side of the Pacific, on the tiny island of Boracay, I became acquainted with my very first pair of harem pants.
These were so long, I mainly wore them as a jumper. A harem jumper!
Now in L.A. I am still rocking this airy one piece. In fact, I realize this is the exact same outfit I wore when I first introduced them to my closet.
At the time I was barefoot... This time, I think some tan heels are a seamless upgrade, yes?
heels: Aldo
- all other items were collected from street stands
When I found these harem pants, it really was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. These voluminous pants have been my besties going on two years now.
My adoration for the style also spawned five more pairs of harems (surprisingly, way over the national average) and, contrary to style rule books everywhere,
harem pants are definitely a basic staple in my wardrobe.
Just goes to show how much you can learn about your own taste and style by being adventurous with clothes and not being afraid to love what you love!