Monday, 10 June 2013

Exploring The Art of Wearing Prints

Now that I am working in a fabric store, I am immersed head deep in scads of fabric literally 24/7.  When I'm working, I'm cutting fabric.  When I'm not working, I'm buying fabric.  It's a slippery slope of indulgence, imagining every amazing thing I could create with the plethora of options at my fingertips.  

But most importantly, I am learning a lot about the things I don't like.  
Which is actually why I accepted the job in the first place.  To understand textiles from a more well-rounded view rather than marinating in only things I like.  One big item I tend to skip over is prints.  Short of stripes and the occasional geo print, I never much cared for wearing prints...  Perhaps it's because I'm pint size and I've always felt that prints are ill fitting for my shape and stature??  Or maybe because prints can easily be a nuisance or a distraction from the natural flattery of styling?  

Meaning: the difference between receiving this compliment: 
"I love that print!" 

...and this (more preferred) compliment: 
"I love that print on you!" <--- I never hear this one.

I may hear "I love that color on you." or "I love the way that fits you."  But when it comes to prints, I've always had the narrow opinion that prints wear YOU.  
It's rarely a graceful collaboration.

However, now that I am faced with prints everyday, I've begun seeing the science behind printed textiles and more interestingly, learning the art of wearing them well.

So of course, I dove right into experimenting and decided to make an article of clothing with a print! 

 If I was going to wear a print, I would focus on color first since that is something I know well.  If all the colors in a print are flattering to my own tones, I figure I'm halfway there to wearing a flattering print, right?  I also chose to wear the print away from my face since I consider that for the experts - not to mention, my big hair and little face is enough as it is.  

Anyway, I came up with a pencil skirt.  A piece with simple lines, good tailoring, and I made it with an awesome print!

I absolutely love Mexican blankets with their colors and designs.  I grew up with a lot of them and the aesthetic is something I've grown familiar with.  
I wanted to recreate the look in my own way with this skirt.

And of course, in Tiny Closet style, I paired this new number with some old faves: my cropped denim jacket, chambray,
 aaaaaaaand my white oxfords!  As commanding as this skirt is to look at, it is already fitting in nicely with my Tiny wardrobe :)

On my nails, I am wearing Revlon's Posh green.  I adore this color for manicures!!

jacket: American Eagle Outfitters / chambray: Shades of Gris / skirt: The Tiny Closet / oxfords: CMG 

So by taking this print in baby steps, I felt like I was able to control my look and not let my clothing hog the spotlight.  The downplaying pieces like my chambray and jacket (and no accessories) allowed the print to be a statement, while melding well in an understating ensemble.

But then again, I suppose it's all a matter of opinion! 
 What do you think of this undertaking?  Back to square one?  

In the matter of my opinion, this experiment has certainly opened my narrow viewpoint....  In fact, I'm in love with wearing this print!  And I'm so excited about the possibilities of using my new philosophy to tackle some other prints I've been eyeing!  

More on that soooooooon!

Exploring The Art of Wearing Prints Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna