Sewalongers! Bombshellists! Bathing beauties! Today is the day we insert our elastic into our leg openings. If you are making View C, you will finish assembling your high waisted bikini bottom.
Yesterday we assembled our suit. It is a good time to try it on and make sure it fits you correctly. We started inserting our leg elastic yesterday so we could sandwich them in the seams, and today we are going to finish sewing them in.
Using the same wide zigzag stitch we initially used to sew the elastic in, sew about 2/3 of the way to your crotch seam on both sides of the leg opening, not stretching the elastic at all. Stop sewing at the same point on both sides. Measure the remainder of the leg opening to the side seam. Take this measurement and multiple it by 70%. Trim your elastic on each side so that it matches that measurement. For example, if the measurement is 34 cm from the point where you finished sewing your elastic to your side seam, you will cut the remainder of the elastic to 24 cm on each side. Fold that elastic in quarters and draw a little line at every fourth. Do the same on the fabric of your suit. Pin each fourth of the elastic to match each fourth on the crotch area of the suit, ending at the side seam. Do this for both sides.
With your elastic pinned into place, you will need to gently stretch the elastic as you are sewing so that it is the same length as the fabric. Continue sewing with a wide zig zag all the way to the side seam on both sides, leaving a tiny sliver of fabric next to the elastic so that when it is folded over, the fabric conceals the elastic edge. Be sure to fold your crotch seam and side seam towards the back when you sew over them.
With the elastic sewn to the wrong side of both leg openings, it is now time to sew the elastic to the front "skirt" panel. The front does not need any stretch.
Take a piece of elastic and slightly overlap the elastic you just sewed over one of the side seams. Using your wide zigzag still, attach the elastic to the wrong side of your front "skirt", again leaving a small sliver of fabric overhanging the elastic. Do not stretch the elastic, merely sew at a 1 to 1 fabric to elastic ratio. Slightly overlap the elastic on the opposite side seam.
Try not to let your cat claw all your hard work.
Now we are going to top stitch the entire bottom in one step. Starting at one front leg opening, continue to turn your elastic under and topstitch the elastic using a small medium zigzag. Once again, you want to prevent the elastic from rolling out, so sew as close as possible to the outside edge of the elastic.
When you get the area where you added a little stretch to your elastic, gently pull your fabric taut so you are not creating ripples in the topstitching. Continue topstitching your leg opening, across the skirt front and back to the other leg opening in one continuous line of stitching.
Bravo! Your bum will now be cupped with love by the Bombshell bottom.
Here is what the bottom should look like:
Serge or zigzag your lining to your fabric at the waist opening.
Using the same method we used to attach our elastic to the leg openings, attach your elastic to your waist opening using a wide zig zag. You don't need much stretch here (I apologise that it is hard to see much in these photos since it is black on black).
Fold the elastic under and topstitch using your medium zig zag stitch.
You're done!!!
I did not include a bikini top in this pattern. Saturday I will be sharing some online resources for drafting your own top. Women who need more support may want to adapt a bra pattern for a bikini top, or do what I am doing and take advantage of a drawer full of bikini tops to mix and match with the bottom.
For my View A & B friends: I will be back Monday to help you finish your suits. Hope I'm not keep you in too much suspense!