Tuesday, 25 June 2013


This is the final post in the Bombshell Sewalong. I am a little sad to be finished, but excited to start focusing on my very neglected summer sewing....

Today my View B baberonis will be finishing up their suits. We left off inserting our leg elastic last week. Today we will be finishing off our waists and attaching our halter cups.

First things first, serge or zigzag your lining to your fabric at your waist opening.

Next up we want to attach the elastic to the waist. At this point, we are just sewing the elastic in. The topstitching will come later when we have attached our halter cups. Try your suit on and make sure it fits well at the waist. Ideally you will not insert any stretch to your elastic.

Cut a piece of elastic at the same length as your waist opening and attach to the wrong side of your fabric using a wide zigzag stitch, leaving a small sliver of fabric next to your elastic to conceal it when it is folded over.

Put your bottom aside from the time being as we prepare our halter cups. Pin and then serge your halter cup lining to your fabric, wrong sides together.

If you want to add foam cups, insert them in between your lining and fabric now. After the suit is assembled you can refine their location and gently tack them to your lining to keep them in place.

Now sew a double row of basting stitches within your 1/4" seam allowance between your two markings. Make sure you leave a few inches of thread on either end.

Assemble your straps by folding each piece wrong side together. Sew the long seam and angled edge. Flip inside out and press.

Line up the unfinished edge of your strap with the short side of your halter cup triangle. Center the strap and using short, straight stitches, fasten it to the right side of the halter cup 1/2" from the edge.

Measure the length of the long side of your halter cup and cut 4 pieces of elastic at 80% of that measurement. Divide each side of your halter cup and each elastic into fourths. Pin your elastic on each side, so that your quarter markings align.

Sew the elastic to the halter cup using a wide zigzag stitch, gently stretching the elastic as you sew so it is the same length as the fabric. Repeat for all 4 sides.

 Fold the strap seam down and then fold and pin your elastic over the strap so the elastic encases the strap seam. Topstitch each edge using a medium zigzag gently pulling the fabric taut to avoid ripples, sewing close to the edge of the elastic so it is fully encased in the seam. Take care as you are sewing  along the short edge of the triangle that the strap is sewn down by the topstitching. Make sure your gathering threads are out of the way towards the bottom.

Now that your halter cups are assembled, it is time to attach them to your suit. The gathering threads should be on the cleavage end of the cup. Pin the edge of each cup to align with the mark on either end of the center bust. Your cups should be about 3/4" away from each other. Now pin the other end of the cup to align with the mark near the side seam on your back piece.

Secure one end of your gathering threads by tying them together. Pull the unsecured edges to gather the thread. Ensure your gathering is even. You want the edge of your halter cup to be the same length as the fabric it is pinned to. Once you have evenly gathered your threads, secure them around a pin in a figure 8 motion. Pin your cup frequently along the waist edge.

Sew each halter piece to the waist, sewing as closely to the inside edge of the elastic as possible (when you fold the elastic and halter pieces down to top stitch them, you want a very close stitch so that the elastic doesn't flip down beneath the halter cups). Backstitch at each edge.

Now it is time to top stitch your waist elastic down over the seam of your halter cups. Fold your elastic under.

 Starting at one of the seams, sew all the way around the waist using a medium zigzag stitch. Sew close to the edge of the elastic so it is fulled encased in the fabric.

Be careful and take your time. Make sure you are gently straightening your fabric as you sew so that you don't create weird puckering in your seam like this:

And that's it! You finished your Bombshell! Please accept this internet high five!

This wraps up our Bombshell Sewalong. I hope I made it a little less intimidating to make this swimsuit, and that I answered any questions you may have had. You guys have provided some great input and comments and I will definitely be taking all of it into consideration if or when I make my next swimsuit pattern.

Hope you have enjoyed the process! Enjoy the summer with your new suit!!!!
