There is something about wax prints that just screams "HAVE A GOOD TIME" to me. Maybe that's why I sent Oona a few yards of this gold peanut print beauty for our Sew Bossy exchange - Oona IS good times personified.
That is also why when I decided to make a very very VERY last minute dress for New Year's, I turned to the scant 2 yards I had left to make something. Something short. Something cleavagey. Something New Yearsy. Now, I know it is now April 24th, and New Years happened many moons ago, but I realized I haven't posted this guy yet. And I have a backlog of projects to be photographed so in the meantime...

In a shocking turn of events, I added an exposed zipper. I think I might be close to over this detail now. Almost every dress I've ever made has had one.
Now, it's been so long since this dress was made I don't remember what pattern I used on the bust. But it was just a simple sheath dress from my stash, nothing spesh. I added a circle skirt, just barely eking it out of the little material I had left. I lined it in a rayon bemberg. if I remember correctly, I finished it about 20 minutes before i was supposed to leave for my party. If memory serves, I had a wonderful, drunken night and danced until sweaty and kicked 2012 in it's lousy ass.
Then came home (*intoxicated*) to a burgled home.
Maybe that's why I kept postponing posting this dress. Bad memories.
But I've worn it since and tis a fun party frock and doesn't deserve to be put in the naughty chair because of some jerk with a hammer, amiright?

In other news, I received a surprise prezzie from Sarah at Pattern Vault this week. She had actually mailed it to me in February but in my moving madness I gave her the wrong address and it didn't get rerouted back to her until last week. Imagine my UTTER DELIGHT, JOY AND WONDER when I opened it to find this:
Why yes readers, that is a HAND TRACED copy of a 1930's Vionnet pattern I had innocently adored on her blog, not remembering that our sewing pals are the types of people to HAND TRACE VINTAGE VIONNET PATTERNS FOR YOU BECAUSE THEY ARE THE LOVELIEST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET. How rad is this dress? The beauty on the left is going to be something silk and bias cut the moment I finish this new, for the moment secret project I am working on. A project I hope you will all get to enjoy very soon.
In the meantime, Argo and I have a belated date. Work has been crazy (I flew to Toronto today to meet with our new, amazing cafe client) and I need a lay down and a brain break. Hope spring is a spring in your step.