Last week it got pretty cold... and just when I was starting to think about swim suits. Oh well. So I pulled out my trusty sweaters again for one last round and then had a fun idea to wear something totally different and surprising on the bottom. The bottom as in, my feet.
With a tunic-length sweater and my favorite drop-crotch jeans, instead of following suit with my normal brogues or oxfords, I opted for heels. And not just any heel, I wanted something
a bit outrageous and out of place.
Of course, with all this talk of comfort, these sandal stilettos definitely make the ensemble So I decided to make it a dinner and a movie outfit. Casual date night evening street wear. Not too much walking, mostly sitting, totally cool.
I'm warm, a bit rugged and I'm still in stilettos, ladies.
sweater: H&M / denim: All Saints / sandal heels: Jimmy Choo for H&M
Happy Monday!
Oh and P.S., I am toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootally
But good guess...I guess.