Tuesday, 5 March 2013


Way, way, WAAAAY back in November I did a little happy dance of joy when I won Debi's Pattern Pyramid giveaway. There was a little minx of a 70's pattern I had my eye on and after a long trip from Scotland, a padded envelope filled with said pattern and assorted other treats arrived at my office. However... when it did arrive my pattern collection was packed up and awaiting my move, and since I wanted to add a few from my stash the Pattern Pyramid scheme went unloved and untouched until now.

But now we can get this train back on track. Here is the baby I am keeping (my love for the 70's is fierce and uncompromising):

So here is what is left in the Pyramid:

And here is what I am adding to the mix from my own stash:

Please leave a comment below with your pattern of choice (along with your blog address and email address) and I will randomly choose a new Pyramider next Tuesday,  March 12. I am happy to mail internationally - when you receive the package simply take the one you want and ship it to the next lucky duck.

Bonne chance!

THE PATTERN PYRAMID LIVES! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna