My sister and I used to have this funny saying when one of us would try to be cool or glamorous...
I laughed to myself yesterday remembering that old saying as I put this outfit together. Sunday was pretty chilly and I was prepared with one of my favorite Tiny Closet Collection pieces: a cobalt wool poncho with a gigantic, fabulous collar and tail
My new lapis earrings by Karla Deras for Roman Luxe were perfecto for my poncho and of course, with the look going further into regal, my thrifted cat-eye sunnies followed suit.
In, all seriosity, this really was fabulosity :)
The only thing I was disappointed with were my mary-jane heels. My tap shoes would have been so much cooler I realize now. But that just goes to show how versatile this outfit could be and will be because you truly can do so much with just two pieces. In my case, my two pieces were a poncho and gypsy pants...oh the possibilities ladies! Really.
And just like Tiny Closet style, I have worn this all before :)
Check it out:
Working with a new hairstyle.... we'll see what the survey says - it might just be my new do!