After several posts I've done over the year about color (I Love Color In The Springtime / Pop! / Colors) I wanted to talk a bit about POWER color!
Earlier last year, I admitted that wearing vibrant colors had never been quite second nature. Until I traveled to the tropics (Asia specifically) wear color was everywhere and I couldn't help participating.
And even though I'd known that power colors existed (a color that identifies and magnifies one's personality or signature essence)
I just always thought mine was black.
It's not.
Just because you feel most comfortable in a particular color doesn't necessarily mean it's your power color.
Usually a power color takes guts to wear. It takes you a bit out of your comfort zone...
because it highlights your power zone!
Obviously, I don't wear puce or fuchsia a lot. But when I do, I feel different and my environment feels different as well. People react differently. In a positive way. And while I believe that every single one of us looks fabulous in many different colors, we all have just a few power colors.
blazer: vintage / top: Tiny Closet Collection / denim: United Colors of Bennetton / heels: Aldo
Anyway, for the past few days, I've been feeling slightly deflated so today I wanted to get back the vibrance and wear a color that could help me do just that.
Just some food for thought :)
What's your power color??
Happy Monday!