Monday, 28 January 2013


Hello friends. Just a little update to let you know what is happening in the land of Lou....

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I found a dreamy dream home. The rose-coloured glasses I was wearing after seeing it were smashed by a dirty sledgehmamer when I actually took possession. The apartment hadn't been painted (or thoroughly cleaned) in years and literally EVERY single nook and cranny (closets, ceilings, cupboards etc.) has needed a few coats of white paint. Because the apartment is 1000 sq. ft. it is taking sooooo long (was that a humble brag? I think it was. Sorry.) Every night after work I race home to paint, sing along to Joni Mitchell on my ipod and curse the previous tenants who thought ROYAL BLUE and ACID YELLOW were a dope colour combination. (A sidenote for those of you unfamiliar with Montreal - circus stuff is a big deal here for some weird, unknowable reason. It is not remotely unusual to see someone riding a unicycle down the street, or playing with fire in a non-metaphoric way, or wearing a jester's hat while walking their dog. It is also very likely that when you get a new apartment, it is going to be painted in some Big Top combination of primary colours in every single room. Neutrals aren't really a thing here. Just ask all the middle aged ladies who all dye their hair the same way: highlights and streaks in bleach blonde and bright red. Together on one head.)

Otherwise living in a house made of boxes, eating take-out twice a day and hoping my back doesn't give out on me (sorry to whine, but moving really is one of the most stressful activities of all time). Thankfully my friends are the bestest in the whole world (I was surprised at brunch this weekend with a  new Kindle, a group gift to make up for the one that got stolen in the burglary!) They've been helping paint all weekend and I can finally see the finish line although there is still much to do after I move Saturday. Thought I would share just a few instagram pics of my progress.

A shot of some plaster details in my living room post-paint apocalypse. Do you know how many coats of white paint and primer you need to cover Ikea blue? SO MANY.

 One set of pocket french doors....

 Phallic stained glass.

 I've gone mostly white for the first time in my life but I wanted one "goth" black wall. My genius artist best friend is going to draw a chalk mural on it for me.

 The sun setting behind the church - a view from my kitchen balcony.

I will probably be sharing a lot more domestic projects in this space until I get my sewing area back up and running. I have a few fun projects planned that I thought would be fun to blog about so it may be a bit decor-mad here for the next month or so.... I find it really hard to do anything but focus 100% on my home after I move. I'll need to be really settled and unpacked before I start tackling the 3 dozen sewing projects I've got on the back burner.....

Hope all of you are having a wonderful 2013 so far!

NEW HOME PROGRESS Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna