Wednesday, 2 January 2013


Happy new year everyone. The start of 2013 did not bode well for me... I came home at 4am on New Year's Eve to find my back door window smashed and my apartment burgled. They took my laptop and brand new digital camera (both literally just paid off in November), along with a film camera, my Kindle, a beautiful new leather bag my brother bought for me in Florence, and an antique amethyst and white gold ring (an heirloom from my mother). They also took a bottle of alcohol, so I'm thinking it was either a teenager or a junkie. My neighborhood police recognized the footprint (thank you Montreal snow!) so there is a very slim chance they'll catch him eventually, but as of now I am writing almost everything off, although I'm haunting Craigslist and will be making the rounds of pawn shops over the next few days. Unfortunately I didn't have insurance; blame it on the false sense of security that comes from living in a peaceful, quiet neighborhood.

It's been a rough few days. Massive hangover + holiday exhaustion + sense of personal invasion + anxiety about how to replace everything = numb and depressed me. Add to this the fact that I have to start apartment hunting and packing up (I'm being evicted from my home of 6 years because my landlord's son is taking over the apartment), and it becomes clear that blogging will have to take a back seat for the next month or so. Without a camera or internet/photoshop access at home it won't really be possible to keep up.

I will still be participating in Amy's bra making sewalong and I have a few projects I'll be working on over the next few months but my ability to post will be severely limited, so please excuse any silence on this front for the next little while.

Hope to be back once I replace my camera and laptop. I hope the rest of you had a restful and happy holiday.

FORCED HIATUS Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna