For one, I will be in technicolor. Like all the time.
Not just when I take a vacation to the tropics.
Secondly, I will have to shave my legs. Like all the time.
Not just for funerals and picnics in the Summer time.
Ladies and gentleman...
I am now a permanent resident of the state of California! Los Angeles to be exact.
And it's been a while, huh? Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year, the same president and now I'm back! Are you as excited as I am? No? Well, let me just show you this new ensemble before you go:
After a few weeks of being in this Golden State, I finally put on a pair of shorts (!) only to wear them on the one day it was cloudy and cold. No matter! I chose a pair of wintry shorts (does that exist?), black and leather :) And get this, they've been in my Tiny Closet for almost 5 years. And they're still perfect for the inevitable occasion.
And since I've been sweating like a basketball player these days, I've been living in tank tops. Not necessarily because it's literally 40 degrees hotter here than the state I left but because I'm slaving away in a constant state of unpacking. After this post, my complaining about the sun and heat will be complete, I promise.
So I decided to layer a couple. To tie in the somewhat dressy leather with my kick-around tanks, I threw on a simple glitzy necklace. And since I wasn't meeting the Queen of England, I skipped the earrings. All these changes - it's best to go comfy, casual and simple! when one is feeling spastic.
gray tank: FIDM Selvage / black tank: H&M / shorts: Forever21 / booties: Buffalo Exchange / necklace: Swarovski
And like TC style, I've worn most of this before. Take a look!
heels here
necklace here
Soooo, as we break down the boxes one by one, and my heels stand tall and organized, I am slowly making a home for myself. My new Tiny Closet, while different and unfamiliar still holds all the cool, quirky, creative ensembles I've worn before and will wear again but in newer, cooler, different ways.
Visit me tomorrow and see!