"Husband: California?
Me: I thought you'd never ask."
picture by The Short & The Sweet of It
Guess where I'm moving??
Yes, during that one week in California it was decided that a small piece of it would be ours to call home.
Funny that my entire family on both sides comes from this golden state of dreamers and yet I was the only one born somewhere else entirely different - and swore I'd never live in such a place. It's funny because in one month, I will be packing up my house and home to make a new start, ironically where everything first began... Uncanny!
Perfect how things work out sometimes.
So my Tiny Closet and I are heading south (specifically Los Angeles) to the land of the coatless! The land of perpetual Summer! But more importantly, the land of dreams :)
Theo's right. It's time we start chasing ours. Besides, I'd follow that man anywhere.