Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Textures & Patterns

I finally broke down on Monday and accepted the fact that in order to stay comfortable and healthy, I need to wear a coat.  Ugh.

I have a love/hate relationship with coats.  I love them because they look so amazing on models and hangers... but as soon as I put one on, I'm Miss. Frumpy McFrumpelton.  Something is always off.  My shoulders are too broad or my boobs are too small or my butt is wide - eh, forget about it...

Since my measurements are unique, I don't like feeling bad about myself with silly coats that don't fit so I only have Natalie-measurement-friendly items to choose from.  So coat-wise, my Tiny Closet is actually made up of sweaters, scarves, short coats and jackets.  

The reason I sulk around this time every year though is because I have one amazing coat that fits (yay!) but I've been wearing it for 6 Winters now (!!!) and it's hangin on by a thread ladies.  I can't let it go since I have nothing else so I am resigned to wear this Titanic of winter coats until it will inevitably snag on something and completely come undone.

I found this endangered Winter item at Anthropologie years ago on a sale rack for like, 80% off.  A slim, boucle swing coat, cut on the bias with a dramatic collar.  Boucle is usually way too much texture for me (I like smoother, more streamlined wools) but the tailoring is miraculous and from day one, it fit like a charm.  I even liked the gold glittery threading!  This coat was really meant to be worn to dinners and shows and not the hell I've put it through but still, it's really become my bestie. 

This skirt I designed and sewed over the Summer.  It's a very drapey linen and I wore it during the Summer months with a muscle tee and flats here.  It's really for all seasons though!  Slip on some black opaques, winter booties and a sweater and voila :)

This sweater dress up top I tucked into my skirt.  It can be worn several different ways and it's identical to the sweater I wore here a couple weeks ago.  Both from H&M and come in these two colors.

coat: Anthropologie / sweater: H&M / skirt: Tiny Closet / rattan belt: Forever21 / tights: DKNY / booties: Jessica Simpson 

With all the pattern mixing that's been going on in street style, I wanted to try my hand at it mildly.  These are perfect pattern and textures to work with for Winter:  seasonless linen with a boucle and a woven.  And both geometric patterns!  Fun and cozy :)

So, I made my first poncho and it was an epic fail.  
Wanna see pictures?  More on that later!

Happy Monday

Textures & Patterns Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna