Tuesday, 23 October 2012

English: A Bit of Town, A Bit of Country

I was flipping through Harper's Bazaar UK's September issue the other day and half-way through, I became curious with two things: why wasn't anything I was seeing my... cup of tea?  And also, why was there an overwhelming theme of English-town-and-country? Eh, I guess the second question answered the first but unlike the issues I've observed in the past, the esthetic of this issue was so strong it was practically a concept throughout.  Which then confused me even more because I hadn't seen the theme displayed nearly as strong elsewhere.  Are people buying this?  Is this a theme now?  I mean, I know  every Fall and Winter (until the end of time), the equestrian boot will take its rightful place, and riding pants and polos are timeless but I didn't get the saturation.  Until I realized ah, silly me, if I had simply taken my head out of Zara for just a second, I would've then seen that this English/town/country concept is everywhere!  

But why?  Whatever, who cares, I wanna play too.  And I may not care much for tailored equestrian looks or Rapunzel inspired dresses but I love a good strong esthetic when I see one.  So themey and fun right?  So with those ideas in mind,  I decided to translate the concept through my Tiny Closet of Magic and accompanied Theo to brunch wearing, of all the items I own, AllSaints.
The side of English style I adore:

The look was a patchwork of ideas that all centered around the very British theme of the issue.  This blazer is actually AllSaints Men and was tailored even more after purchasing.  I wore it with a polo shirt and a hair scarf made as an ascot.  Since the shirt was sporty and untucked, the look leaned a bit more all-boys-school like.  And my Minnetonka moccasins, casual as well, worked for a northern country setting (much like what Roots is focusing on).  I finished up with a khaki pant.

So of course, I started out winking at this style but by the end of the day, I was actually really feelin it. Whether I'm picking up butter at the store or loitering inside Barnes & Noble, if I'm wearing a tailored blazer, I feel like I've got purpose.  It just makes me feel together with whatever I'm not doing.  

blazer: AllSaints Men / polo: Ralph Lauren / scarf: vintage / pants: Zara / shoes: Minnetonka
(all accessories are vintage or custom)

Very much unlike Tiny Closet style, I haven't worn any of these items (except for the moccasins) in a long time.  I realize now when something is no longer working in one's wardrobe, sure it may be time to donate orrrr it might just need some reinvention.  This month is a time for costumes and playing with clothing.  I played around with some oldies and found apparently, a very now ensemble.

English: A Bit of Town, A Bit of Country Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna