Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Business Trip

For the past 9 days, I have been in Las Vegas where my company hosted a very large network conference and awards show.  Between listening to Frances Ford Copolla reminisce about the God Father days and bumping into the Prince of Bhutan at an after party, needless to say the past days have been a blur of mixed emotions, dresses, late night room service and lots of speed walking in high heels.

My trusty photographer was not able to come along but he trusted me to go it alone with the camera.  I wore about 2-3 outfits a day, rushing to my room to change for the next event so unfortunately, I wasn't able to get every single outfit :(  But, here's what I could produce in my bits and pieces of peace (say that 3 times fast) amidst the Vegas chaos.
I wore this shiny oversize t-shirt dress to Bellagio's newest club, Lily.  And the club definitely lived up to its name - the moment I walked in, there must have been over 20 grand vases filled with white lillies in a very dark lounge setting.  Gorgeous.  This dress is from Asos.com and I paired it with my Jimmy Choo for H&M sandals.
This silk tank below with the knife pleats is a new one.  I LOVE it and even though it's sheer, it's very classy and French looking.  I will dedicate more time for it in a future post.  And these safari bangles have paid for themselves time and time again!  Who knew?  They have turned out to go with everything.  I no longer treat them lightly.
Even though it was 113 degrees outside (a dry hot mind you so not as suicidal as you'd think) I was indoors chilling in the AC.  Since the code was business chic and we were inside, I was pleased to have the perfect opportunity to wear my suede mary-janes as I don't usually find the chance to sport them during the summer months. 
Every day at 4pm, Bellagio served my team chocolate covered strawberries and champagne... all we could eat!  When the tray ran out, they just served more.  I delighted in this for a few days but after the 10th headache, I headed to Walgreens and stocked up on electrolytes and potassium.  I still served my coconut water in a wine glass though.  It is after all, Vegas.
And this overcoat again - loved wearing it with my ultra-feminine, eyelet-like Summer dress.  I changed my shoes though and forgot to take a pic of the finished ensemble.  Oh well...
I took all of my jewelry and perfume with me.  I mainly buy jewelry from AllSaints, Forever21, H&M and random street carts.  I packed almost all of my shoes as well!  I'm a thorough, detailed packer but usually for the sake of weight, I pack items that can be worn into the evening but this time I decided to just pack it all up and have full access to my Tiny Closet for whatever the day or night brought.  I let the bellhop worry about the weight.
During a second routine "costume" change, I took some shots of me in my comfy white bed.  I'm having a Mommy Dearest moment here.  I will miss sleeping in the middle...  I'm sure some of you know what its like to miss that simple, single-girl luxury of sleeping in the middle of a bed!

So I am back in Seattle, back on my side of the bed.  I have decided to skip the IFB conference this year (waaaah!!) but with the major injection of marketing and pr exposure I got during my trip, my experience has been a game-changer for my Tiny Closet.  So, I am very excited to continue on in a slightly new direction.  Can't wait for my new ideas to unfold so thank you for reading and keep visiting!

all clothing worn was thrifted, is vintage or acquired overseas from huts or stands except for those items mentioned.

Business Trip Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna