My travels through the tropics have definitely changed my attitude towards color - more specifically wearing it. But having returned, I remember why it took me 20 years to take to it - I guess colors are easier to appreciate when you're not viewing life through a gray lens. And I aint' knockin' ya, Seatown - actually, I'm paying tribute. Out of my entire family, I was the only one raised in the Northwest so, you know, my taste comes with a territory (or should I say from a territory) and does explain why I'm the only one in the fam that wears as much black and gray as I do. Maybe it's just me (and I'm sure it is) but bright, vibrant colors just look off here. Seeing colors in their natural habitat however, was one of the most influential, inspiring things that has ever happened to me in fashion so of course, I've cherished the experience and gained insight and I've even brought it back with me to the land of perpetual clouds - but you know, when in Rome Seattle, I can't fight my natural inclinations so I shall do what I do best :)
Wear black like it's going out of style.
jacket: Muuba / top: H&M / harem pants: Bottega Veneta / booties: Jessica Simpson / sunnies: RayBan / ring: Forever21
What can I say, blacks and grays is my world. But see what I did there with my scarf? I believe they call that "pop". Yep, I'm popping, ladies. Tropics, meet City. My two worlds are colliding. I love black but I shall let color flourish and pop where it should.
Recognize the harem pants? How many do I have at this point, anyway?? More than the national average, I'm sure but fiddly-dee-deeee, the point is I love them and you couldn't possibly have recognized them because they are brand new!!! I chose these deliciously soft wool harems by Bottega Veneta with part of my gift card from Officially, my Tiny Closet's most prized possession and yeah, harem pants are surely on their way out just as fast as they came in but why should I care? When something fits my mental and comfort state so perfectly, that's always in style to me. It's fun keeping up with the fast times at fashion high but when something works, I'm a lover not a fighter.
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